Studio Gray

Interior Design

Luxury Residential







Studio Gray LLP
Plot No. 312, Udyog Vihar, Phase IV, Gurugram, Haryana - 122015


About us

At Studio Gray, we embark on a design journey that goes beyond aesthetics. Shaped by a deep understanding of diverse design landscapes and years of international exposure, our founders have honed their craft of creating spaces that redefine luxury, functionality, and sophistication.

Our Process

Get to know you!

We always start afresh, with every project and with every client. With open minds, we strive to understand your needs, culture, personality, lifestyle, and last but not least the character of the space.


There are no set templates. For us, designing is synonymous with discovery. Keeping your requirements in mind, our design team conducts extensive research on various options and alternatives that incorporate the latest trends and yet are practical.

Design Concept

Research translates into various options for design concepts and layout plans. We walk you through the various alternatives, detailing all the pros and cons as well as collecting feedback from you. This stage allows you to explore, understand and finalize what resonates the most with your soul and vision for the space. It’s our responsibility to give you the best design, giving equal importance to aesthetics and functionality. We don’t move beyond this stage till the time you are convinced.

Design Development

The difference between a good design and a great one is the detailing. Once the design concept & layouts are finalized, the spaces are carefully designed and detailed. At this stage, we provide 3D renderings for better spatial visualization. Once you approve, all documentation is completed for site execution.


You are free to assess and select contractors and consultants based on their workmanship and your comfort. We undertake turnkey projects as well. We can also propose teams that we have worked with for your consideration. We then work with the selected team to supervise their work and resolve any queries on site. Furniture, furnishings, materials, fittings, and accessories are selected in collaboration with you.